Chess Queen

Dec. 1, 2010
Blue's School Diary Entry:
Bring costume for Human Chess Game on Wednesday. Role: QUEEN.

Mom: Why queen? Aren't there girls in Chess Club?
Blue: Yes. There are 3 girls.
Mom: So why are you the queen? Do you want me to write teacher to...
Blue: But, Mom! I want to be the queen. It's the best piece!"

Dec. 8, 2010, before school
Blue gamely poses for the camera, wearing his tiara & veil.

Dec. 8, 2010, after school
Blue sees me waiting for him at the school entrance. He couldn't contain his excitement and was shouting at the top of his lungs. "Mom, we won! We won!"

Awww. My heart is smiling. It was smart of Blue to have chosen to be queen. He also didn't mind being ridiculed for being a girl. He even learned to play with a team. Who cares if he sat on the tiara and broke part of it! My boy was queen for a day, and he was, in all aspects, A WINNER!

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