Whatever Happened to CSA Forever?

A man enters an exclusive school then points a gun at a student right inside the faculty room.

Wow, that is headline material! Surely, anyone who has heard the news would have been outraged. If you are a parent or a student who considers school as a second home, you are probably seething with rage. For me, it was an act of TERRORISM. It is deplorable and sad.

It’s sad because it happened in my Alma Mater. It’s sad because it cast a shadow of distrust, scepticism and cynicism. It’s sad because it is dividing the Augustinian community. It has transformed many of us into an angry mob – some threatening to pull out their kids from school; some changing their minds about sending their future kids there; and some just throwing out inappropriate vexations and hurtful generalizations against authorities and priests. Sadder still that some of these are coming from people I know.

Terrorism is defined by the Merriam-Webster online dictionary as follows:
Systematic use of violence 
to create a general climate of fear 
in a population and thereby 
to bring about a particular political objective.

Ok, let’s see…
Systematic use of violence: Check!
Create a general climate of fear: Check!
Political objective:
perhaps avenge his son and punish the other? Check! 
Indeed it was an act of terrorism, nothing less. Grr!

Then I remember the CSA Mission-Vision that I had memorized all my life:
The formation of true Christian leaders who are committed to the building up of the City of God.
And then I realize who I am. I am and always will be an Augustinian. Wherever I am, whatever I have become, I am a Christian… a leader… and I am committed to build up the City of God. Hence, I will respond to this matter the way a true Augustinian should – through VIRTUE and SCIENCE. I choose to let peace reign, but at the same time allow the search for truth and justice to commence. I will not let this senseless act of terrorism by one man tarnish what I believe and cherish about my Alma Mater.

Onward and fight with our men of might, and show them that the very best of all is CSA!

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