Is it Possible to Change Overnight?

Sept. 2 – Friday  Blue handed me a folded letter from school.   I nervously opened it to find an invitation for Blue to join a seminar.  It read “Leadership Training Seminar for selected student leaders.” I felt proud that he was selected but the thing is…it would be held overnight…in school…without me.

Sept. 5 – Monday I sign the reply slip with Blue’s details, but I leave out the box asking whether I am giving consent or not.  While this is not the first time for Blue to be away from home, it’s his first without a familiar adult.  I say to myself, “I’ll think this over one more day.”

Sept. 6 – Tuesday I finally give my “yes” then I whisper a little prayer as I send the reply slip back to teacher.

Sept. 9 – Friday  A heavy rainfall floods most of the city.  I arrive at 3:10 with a heavy heart, knowing that I have very little time left to bond with Blue. (seminar starts at 4pm)

I fetched Blue at his usual waiting area and he said sadly, “Bye, mom!”   I told him, “I’m not leaving you yet.  I have to help you change your clothes and show you your stuff.”  On the way to the car, Blue said, “Mom, can I come home with you?  Can I not join the seminar?” Awww.  My heart was shattered. 

In the car, we rushed into changing his clothes and all the last minute reminders.  With teary eyes we hugged and kissed.  But we both promised we wouldn’t cry.  Blue laughed.  He insisted that if he doesn’t cry, I should give him a reward.  “I’m not calling this bet!” I said.  We both laughed and headed out into the rain.  I felt the rain was sympathizing with my broken heart.

As we trudged along the crowded walkway (sleeping bag and all), we passed by a kid who said, “Oh, look, Blue is part of the leaders’ training!”  Blue looked back at me and smiled, “I’m happy!  Oh, mom, I have mixed emotions!”  I smiled back at him, feeling that somehow, things will be all right. 

We went to the second floor and Blue found his room -- Room 7, the red group.  Some parents were still lingering in the other classrooms.  Most have already set up their child’s sleeping provisions.  I start to set up Blue’s and noticed another mom in the room.  She was nagging the same reminders that I had given Blue.  Hahaha!  It is kinda funny when you hear it coming from somebody else!

Meanwhile, Blue started to get excited.  He went out to visit the other classrooms to see who else are there.  Obviously, he has forgotten about mom. :( 

Then it was time for me to go…kiss and hug, and some more reminders.  Blue said, “Mom, I’m OK.  You don’t have to repeat everything that you told me!” Ouch!  But that’s assurance enough for me.
Ok, I admit.  I lingered a bit more outside the room.  In the other classroom, I saw a dad hugging his daughter so tightly.  I looked away, afraid that it might make me cry.  Blue kept running around.  He was clearly thrilled!  I gave him one last kiss.  One of his roommates came out and joked, “My turn, can I have a kiss, too?” I took that as my cue to leave. 

Sept. 10 – Saturday I had a rough night.  I just couldn’t sleep while worrying if my baby is ok.  I so wanted to go to school early.  I turned to the computer to keep me occupied.

I arrived in school 15 minutes early.  I told myself, “just right…not too anxious!”  It turns out, a lot of parents were more anxious than me.  Hehe.  Booo!  I tried not to listen to their stories about yesterday’s goodbye and their restless night.  I tried not to listen because I knew their stores all too well.  Their stories were mine.

I finally saw Blue.  He was the first to say, “Hi, mom!”  I replied, “Hi, baby!” 

In the car, he had so many stories to tell, too many new friends to talk about.  I asked, if it was still OK for me to call him baby.  “Why, of course” he replied, “I AM still YOUR baby!” My heart smiled.

When we got home he said, “I’ll go upstairs to say hi to my friends!”  By friends, he meant TV and his toys.  I followed him and gave him a tight hug!  “I really missed you, honey!”  “I missed you too, mom…a lot!”  But he said this while his eyes were glued on his TV show.  

Ah, my Baby Blue is back!  But somehow, I know something has changed in him.  Outside, he still is my baby.  But I know that overnight, he has grown into a responsible young man.

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