Poetry by Blue


sturdy like tall mountains
green like slithering snakes
bears fruits sweet delight

Rhyming Poetry
The Sun

The sun is very hot
It's bigger than a lot
It goes away and comes to set
It never gets wet

The sun is very yellow
It doesn't have a shadow
When you look at the sky you'll see it glow
The sun shines until we grow

The sun is very high
It's so hot that you will sigh
If you touch it you will cry
As the sun goes down I say bye

Free Verse
Plants vs. Zombies

Once you enter the dangerous field
With thin zombies and exotic plants
There are random levels.
You'll encounter a green lawn, deep pool
and at the end of the game you'll have to defeat
Many different kinds of zombies
Come to eat your brain
So you must!
Protect your lawn

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