Shrinking Plastic Adventure

The boys and I had an amazing Saturday afternoon, bonding over shrunken plastic.  We followed this tutorial from Instructables.  It has detailed steps that are very easy to follow.  Just hop on over there so that I need not elaborate on the process here.  Now, onto our adventure...

Looking for a #6 plastic was already an adventure in itself.  Who knew the number inside the triangle meant something!  We settled on salad container lids.  They still had labels on them, so we had to completely remove them along with all the sticky stuff.  

Too bad we only had a black permanent marker this time.  (Note to self:  put colored permanent markers on the to-buy list.)  Here are our drawings just before we popped them into the oven.  Take note of their size in relation to the parchment paper.

Here's a picture of the baking process.  It went so quickly that I didn't get a chance to get a better shot.

Post-baking, look at how they shrunk!  Daddy's work was too long and skinny, that it ended up into a coil.  I tried to straighten it out, but I ended up breaking it in two.  Sad.  Sorry, Daddy!  But still, we're so happy with the results.  Not only did they shrink, but they've become thicker as well.

And here are our finished products.  A new necklace for Bluey.  (Stage mom alert:  Aww, his drawings are super cute!)


New bag accessories for the boys.

And a new bookmark for me.

This adventure will definitely have a part two. 

Whatever Happened to CSA Forever?

A man enters an exclusive school then points a gun at a student right inside the faculty room.

Wow, that is headline material! Surely, anyone who has heard the news would have been outraged. If you are a parent or a student who considers school as a second home, you are probably seething with rage. For me, it was an act of TERRORISM. It is deplorable and sad.

It’s sad because it happened in my Alma Mater. It’s sad because it cast a shadow of distrust, scepticism and cynicism. It’s sad because it is dividing the Augustinian community. It has transformed many of us into an angry mob – some threatening to pull out their kids from school; some changing their minds about sending their future kids there; and some just throwing out inappropriate vexations and hurtful generalizations against authorities and priests. Sadder still that some of these are coming from people I know.

Terrorism is defined by the Merriam-Webster online dictionary as follows:
Systematic use of violence 
to create a general climate of fear 
in a population and thereby 
to bring about a particular political objective.

Ok, let’s see…
Systematic use of violence: Check!
Create a general climate of fear: Check!
Political objective:
perhaps avenge his son and punish the other? Check! 
Indeed it was an act of terrorism, nothing less. Grr!

Then I remember the CSA Mission-Vision that I had memorized all my life:
The formation of true Christian leaders who are committed to the building up of the City of God.
And then I realize who I am. I am and always will be an Augustinian. Wherever I am, whatever I have become, I am a Christian… a leader… and I am committed to build up the City of God. Hence, I will respond to this matter the way a true Augustinian should – through VIRTUE and SCIENCE. I choose to let peace reign, but at the same time allow the search for truth and justice to commence. I will not let this senseless act of terrorism by one man tarnish what I believe and cherish about my Alma Mater.

Onward and fight with our men of might, and show them that the very best of all is CSA!

This Is How Politics Should Be

It's Blue's second shot at school politics.  He ran for Grade School Student Government Treasurer.

It was one week of making speeches in front of the different grade levels. The main event was the Meeting de Avance, in which the Parties gave mini-presentations to campaign to the crowd.  After that, each of the candidates had to answer an impromptu question.  Talk about nerve-wracking!  Imagine, you had to think of an answer quickly and deliver it to a crowd as big as this...

 and this...
 and this...

That's a headcount of around 1200 people!  Not to mention, the Principal and Assistant Principal (and a video camera) were right smack in front of the stage.

I would have cowered, stammered...and...DIED!  Well, some of the kids actually did, even the older ones, but, Blue didn't!  I'm a super proud mom!  Imagine me waving a tiny red flag all the way across the gymnasium and shouting at the top of my lungs, "Go Blue!"

I thank God for giving Blue a gift of public speaking.  But more so, I'm thankful for the way Blue has handled his defeat.  (yup, unfortunately, he lost)  Still, it was a great experience for him and we are content.

As an adult observer, I can't help but be amazed at the children's camaraderie.  I was humbled by the kids' genuine friendship and mutual respect.  The world would definitely be a better place if politics were as innocent as this:

when political parties are set aside in favor of genuine friendship
  • While walking in the corridor, a candidate from another party told Blue, "Good luck tomorrow, bro!"
  • Blue says "hi, ate!" or "hi, kuya!" to other candidates, even if they're from another party
  • I saw kids from different parties hanging-out together in the cafetorium
when showing your support for a candidate is as easy as pie... without fear of judgement or ridicule
  • Kids who do not know Blue, even those from higher grade levels, give him a high five, or a tap on the shoulder, saying, "Good job!" or "I will vote for you!" 
when defeat is accepted without questioning the results; and with the knowledge that there is still much work to be done, even when not in position
Blue:  Mom, I didn't win.

Me:  Are you ok?  Did you cry?
Blue:  Mom, why would I cry?  I'll still be part of the working council anyway.  Besides, I'm still President of my class.
Me:  sniff...sniff

Prince of Mischief

Oct. 8, 2011 - Navy, Prince of Mischief, how is that your mischievous smile lets you get away with anything? Today, I have bruises on my lips after you punched me and tried to push me off the bed.  My lips would be swollen for a day or two, but my love for you will remain forever.

Pedring = Brotherly Bonding

Sept. 27, 2011 - Typhoon Pedring has been raging all night. Navy woke up and mimicked the howling wind outside.  "Rrrrr!" he said while he tapped Kuya Blue to wake up. "There's a pig!" Blue said, half-awake and perhaps still in dreamland. The two enjoyed peeking out the window until the rain started to get inside, ending their morning bonding.